The 6 Ultimate Energy-Boosting Drinks To Power Up Your Day
Introduction In the modern hustle and bustle, there are moments when our energy levels dip, and a revitalizing pick-me-up becomes a necessity. Enter the world of invigorating beverages that not only tantalize the taste buds but also provide the much-needed boost to power through the day. From the crack of dawn to the afternoon lull, and even when burning the midnight oil, finding the right drink can make all the difference. 1. Water Feeling a little sluggish? Surprise! You might need water—not coffee. How come? You might be dehydrated. This affects the cells in your muscles and brain, and you might feel that as brain fog or lethargy. "Every cell in your body needs water to function. If there's not enough water in your body, this means that every cell is going to be deprived of this, and—although it might still function with the little water it does have—it's going to do so less optimally," says Samantha Cochrane, RD, a registered dietitian at The Ohio State Un...